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摘要:本期做客直播间的嘉宾是来自NFT和创新负责人ShibaCashMordechai 。错过直播的小伙伴一起跟着xt君来回顾一下此次直播主题AMA吧!


本期做客直播间的嘉宾是来自NFT和创新负责人ShibaCashMordechai 。错过直播的小伙伴一起跟着xt君来回顾一下此次直播主题AMA吧!


(Q:XT.COM   A:ShibaCashMordechai )



Hi, everyone! Welcome to the XT AMA Channel. XT is honored to invite SHIBACASH today. Let me give a brief introduction to XT first.

大家好,欢迎来到XT AMA频道! XT很荣幸能邀请到SHIBACASH的嘉宾做客我们今天的AMA。首先,请允许我简单地介绍一下XT。


XT.com is the world's first real-time social trading platform with 0% leverage interest. The XT ecosystem has over 6 million global users with a daily transaction volume of close to $5 billion. The platform has real-time indicators and tools that bring the best trading atmosphere for all users.

XT.com是世界首个杠杆率为0%的实时社交化数字资产交易所。XT生态系统拥有超过600万来自全球各地的用户,日交易额近50亿美元。 XT交易平台有实时指标和工具,可以给所有用户带来最佳的交易氛围。


XT exchange's innovative social model empowers the blockchain industry through newly developed social trading avenues, which were once not possible. XT has achieved this through a combined effort with our partners, like Btok.



Today, our guest is ShibaCashMordechai. Let's talk to him to learn about SHIBACASH.



Hello, ShibaCash Mordechai, thank you for joining us for the XT and SHIBACASH AMA!

ShibaCash Mordechai,您好,欢迎来到XT和ShibaCash的AMA!



Hi, Thank you so much for having us!



We can’t be more excited, honored, and humbled, than to be here with you today, XT.com, the #1 Crypto Exchange in Hong Kong, Korea and China!



I am a member of the ShibaCash Community just like you, as well as the NFT and Innovations Lead for ShibaCash.

和各位一样,我是ShibaCash 社区的一名成员,也是ShibaCash 的NFT和创新部门负责人。


Being involved in the crypto space for what seems like aeons and have successfully launched other NFT and crypto/blockchain projects in the past, this is the first community token project I have been a part of and am thrilled to work with and be a part of such an incredible group of people all over the world.




Can you give our audience a brief introduction of SHIBACASH?




Everyone has seen what Shiba Inu has managed to achieve as part of the $50B+ meme coin market sector, now ShibaCash is here to provide an opportunity for new community members on Binance Smart Chain through XT.com. The market opportunity and upside for ShibaCash is significant as you will be able to see through some of our infographics.

大家都见证了为了跻身50+万美元meme币市场,Shiba Inu付出了很多努力,如今,ShibaCash在这里通过XT.com为币安智能链的新社区成员提供了一个机会。大家将可以从我们的信息图标中明显地看到市场契机和ShibaCash的发展态势。


ShibaCash is a community based DeFi project which fair launched on Binance Smart Chain in May 2021. It aims to bring instant rewards to holders with deflationary tokenomics and static reflection. We’ve had huge growth in a short period with over 26,000+ holders and nearly 6,000+ members in our Telegram.

ShibaCash 是一个基于DeFi 项目成立起来的社区项目,2021年5月,ShibaCash在币安智能链成功推出。ShibaCash旨在通过通缩代币经济学和静态反射技术给持有者带来即时回报。我们在短期内实现快速增长,拥有超过26000名持有者和6000多名Telegram 成员。



I have checked your project has got impressive ratings by some top crypto rating websites. How do you take these ratings?




Thank you for pointing that out.


This just goes to show that true Community only can happen when there is Trust and Transparency in all actions. ShibaCash has 3 foundational pillars, COMMUNITY, INTEGRITY and HONESTY. When a Community is lead with Integrity and Honesty it goes to show that good things will happen. 

这恰好体现了只有当所有行为都值得人们信任并且透明的时候,真正的社区才会出现。ShibaCash有三个基本的特点: 社区,正直和诚实。当一个社区的指导原则是正直和诚实的时候,好事就会发生。


As mentioned earlier ShibaCash is a hyper deflationary token with auto-staking mechanism that rewards diamond handed Holders.



ShibaCash was a fair launch project, meaning there were no presales for insiders and no developer or team wallets. We’ve burnt our liquidity tokens so they are locked FOREVER, and have invested in a TechRate full security audit of ShibaCash’s contract code which was passed successfully.

ShibaCash是一个公平启动的项目,这就意味着没有内部人员预售,也没有开发人员或者团队钱包。我们将我们的流动代币烧毁,永久锁定。我们也投资了一项对ShibaCash的合同代码进行TechRate 全面安全审计的项目,这项审计项目已经成功通过了!


Contract ownership has also been renounced, making ShibaCash a 100% safe and fully community owned coin!

我们还放弃了合同所有权,这样ShibaCash 就成为一个100%安全并且为所有成员拥有的项目!



Can you introduce the core team members of SHIBACASH? We hear that the team is highly experienced, can we get some examples?




With a team of roughly 20 Mods/Admins/Dev's there is a core team of 4.



The Core Team all have backgrounds in IT and Business/Finance.


@Allcolor - Technical Lead - Multiple successful BSC projects –

@Allcolor - 技术负责人,负责多个成功的BSC项目。


@Brendan - Community Lead - Multiple successful BSC projects

@Brendan -社区负责人,负责多个成功的BSC项目


@BigKAT - Design and Web Lead - Multiple successful BSC projects

@BigKAT - 设计和网站负责人,负责多个成功的BSC项目


@ShibaCashMordechai - Multiple NFT and Crypto projects on ETH.

@ShibaCashMordechai – 负责ETH上的多个NFT和加密项目。



In the Crypto industry, what do you think of the current state? What do you think that needs to be improved?




The Crypto Industry as a whole, is at an interesting point right now. It is an incredible and exciting time to be a part of Crypto. When you peel back the FUD curtain and see what is really happening, things are consolidating at the top, institutional investors are APE'ing in (so to speak) and more and more mainstream investors are joining the crowd. Investors are starting to realize that Crypto is part of a long term strategy and less of an opportunistic trade. The industry is now seeing more women investing in crypto than ever before as well as a lot of investors who were disinterested for years past are now "Crypto Curious".  



One area of improvement we can see in the crypto space is dispelling a lot of the FUD on sustainability and carbon emissions.




How does the SHIBACASH team plan to tackle these issues to reach mass adoption?




ShibaCash decided to launch on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) due to the concerns over the cost to the environment of Mining on ETH. As BSC is an ETH fork they were able to make some changes to how smart contracts are processed and leverage PoS vs PoW and therefore operate more efficiently than most other major financial networks worldwide.




What is your timeline, and what can we look forward to from SHIBACASH?




Our roadmap was ambitious but thus far we have hit our major targets.

With our fair launch in May, followed by our Token burning, Contract renouncing, CoinMarketCap and Coin Gecko listings we closed out the month with our TechRate Security Audit.


5月份,我们进行了公平启动;随后,我们进行代币燃烧,解除合约,在CoinMarketCap 和Coin Gecko上线;这个月,我们还会在TechRate进行安全审计。


In July we continued our growth by growing our influencer and social media partnerships and had a successful launch on our first exchange, Hotbit.



•We’re now focusing on phase 2 of our roadmap to bring even more rewards and utility for our holders.

•First milestone in Q3 passed - Shibacash Merch Store (with international shipping options)- Completed.

•2nd and 3rd Milestones in Q3 passed - Expansion into Asia with our 2nd Exchange Listing - XT.COM!


•第三季度的第一个里程碑 – Shibacash产品商店(可以选择国际运输)已经完成。



As we continue to expand on our ShibaCash ecosystem we will be introducing a SWAP on our website Shibacashtoken.cash for users to easily connect their favorite Dapp browser and trade Shiba Cash natively on our site.

随着ShibaCash生态系统的继续扩大,我们将在我们的网站Shibacashtoken.cash上推出SWAP,让用户可以轻松连接他们最喜欢的Dapp浏览器,在我们的网站上交易Shiba Cash。


We will LeashCash in Q3. LeashCash will allow holders of ShibaCash to benefit from staking rewards, allowing them to earn even more passive income.



A portion of all fees from LeashCash will be used to help fund our Community donation wallet allowing the team to continue the marketing, expansion, donations, and further development of ShibaCash, Leash Cash, and things to come.



Not sure if you saw, Shiba Inu just launched the Shiba Exchange and their new reward token - Bone. Could BoneCash be in the future? A potential cross-chain Bridge?!

不知道大家是否关注到,Shiba Inu刚刚推出了Shiba Exchange和新的奖励代币 - Bone。BoneCash有可能是未来的趋势吗?一个潜在的跨链桥?


In Q4 we intend on providing charity donations and develop an NFT staking rewards platform that you can purchase NFTs with ShibaCash!




Anything else do you want to share with our community?




Shiba Cash is truly a 100% Community token run by the Community and we couldn’t do it without YOU! We have come a long way in a short period of time and the Admins/Mods have 100% self-funded all marketing development with some small donations from the community. We are excited to see all the future growth that the partnership with XT.com brings to the community.

Shiba Cash真正的100%社区代币,由社区管理,没有各位,我们根本做不到这一点!我们在很短的时间内取得了很大的进展,管理员/仲裁员已经100%自费完成了所有的市场开发,我们还获得了一些来自社区的捐款。我们很期待在未来能看到与XT.com的合作给社区带来的增长。


*This is not financial advice.




Thank you, ShibaCashMordechai, for taking the time to do this AMA with us today. It has been great learning more about SHIBACASH and the team behind it!


