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比特币 SV (BSV )解决了什么问题?

摘要:特币 BSV 解决了x32;个z06;常有趣的问题 : “如何x96;付计算费y32;,并获得计算费y32;? ” 通过在分布式计算指令中加入数字货币,并创造x32;个开放的市场,让矿商可以在规则中竞争费y32;。



Bitcoin BSV solves a really interesting problem: ‘how do you pay for, and get paid for computation?’ By putting digital money inside distributed computing instructions and creating an open market where miners could compete for the fees inside the instructions.

⽐特币 BSV 解决了⼀个⾮常有趣的问题 : “如何⽀付计算费⽤,并获得计算费⽤? ” 通过在分布式计算指令中加入数字货币,并创造⼀个开放的市场,让矿商可以在规则中竞争费⽤。



Satoshi created an incentive driven system to create an entirely new form of distributed computing. Bitcoin is a super computer, where miners are incentivised to build stronger, faster cheaper computers to process instructions, not merel pass money between Alice and Bob.

中本聪创造了⼀个激励驱动的系统来创造⼀个全新形式的分布式计算。 ⽐特币是⼀种超级计算机,它⿎励矿⼯建造更强、更快、更便宜的计算机来处理指令,⽽不是在 Alice 和 Bob 之间传递货币。



2014 saw the emergence of ‘smart contracts’ which allow for conditional payments to be made on receipt of confirmation that other work has been done, but smart contracting must operate in a massively parallel environment where competing nodes can race to do the computations.

2014 年出现了“智能合同” ,它允许在收到确认其他⼯作已经完成的情况下有条件地⽀付款项,但是智能合同必须在⼀个⼤规模并⾏处理机环境中运⾏,在这种环境中竞争的节点可以竞相进⾏计算。


矿 ⼯

When constructed properly the kind of computational work that can be done by miners in this manner is virtually unlimited. A paid-for instruction could for example be fetching a piece of data for a user when executing a google search, or even rendering some graphics.

如果构造得当,矿⼯可以以这种⽅式完成的计算⼯作实际上是⽆限的。 例 如,付费指令可以是在执⾏⾕歌搜索时为⽤户提取⼀段数据,甚⾄是渲染⼀些图形。



So this leads us into an entirely new economy, an economy that is ‘data-driven’ because it is a truly competitive global financial system which can represent any kind of financial instrument and calculate that instruments’ relationship to the world in close to real time.

因此,这将带领我们进⼊⼀个全新的经济体系,⼀个“数据驱动”的经济体系,因 为它是⼀个真正具有竞争⼒的全球⾦融体系, 可以代表任何种类的⾦融⼯具,并且可以近乎实时地计算这些⼯具与世界的关系。



It’s competitive because it makes microtransactions possible and affordable, and because the quantity and speed of possible contracts that can be executed is dictated by how much profit miners can make. So the better they are, the faster the ‘bitcoin computer’ is.



比特币 BSV 系统取代其他不安全能力差系统

The more successful the bitcoin BSV system is, the more it will tend to account for other less secure and less able systems in the fractured and often unaccountable global economy.

比特币 BSV 系统越成功,它就越有可能在支离破碎、往往无法解释的全球经济中,成为其他不太安全、能力较差的系统的代表。



This is because at a fundamental level any fiat currency is a contract, a ‘promise to pay’, an IOU, which can be written as a contract in Bitcoin (SV), and it’s profitable to write fiat amounts into smart contracts on chain, which inevitably leads to the bitcoinization of fiat.

这是因为从根本上讲,任何法定货币都是⼀种契约,⼀种“⽀付承诺” ,⼀种可以⽤⽐特币 SV (BSV)写成合同的⽋条,⽽将法定⾦额写⼊链上的智能合同是有利可图的,这不可避免地导致法定货币的⽐特币化。



It doesn’t, however, destroy fiat. Governments can still control their own monetary policy by issuing their own currencies and control their fiscal policy, and banks will be able to make loans to customers in fiat on the blockchain.

然⽽,它并没有摧毁法币系统。政府仍然可以通过发⾏⾃⼰的货币来控制⾃⼰的货币政策,控制⾃⼰的财政政策, 银⾏也可以通过区块链向消费者发放贷款。



What governments gain from issuing fiat on the chain is security, auditability and cost savings. It’s cheaper for them to issue fiat on a distributed network that is secured by the free market and the savings can be passed onto the tax payer.




And the benefits that accrue to mutually cooperating businesses in different countries that have all issued their fiat on-chain would multiply very fast because they would be conducting trade inside a common, fast, cheap, secure network environment.



接近规模时,BSV 是 BTC 的⽣存威胁

It does, however, destroy BTC and other networks using SHA256 as it approaches scale. This is because miners well switch back to the network as it grows in value and returns more to hardware investors than BTC can. BSV is therefore an existential threat to BTC.

然⽽,当它形成规模后,算力的竞争将摧毁 BTC 及其他使用相同 SHA256 算法的⽹络。这是因为随着⽹络价值的增长,矿业公司会重新使⽤这个⽹络, 并向硬件投资者提供⽐ BTC 更多的回报。因此,BSV 是 BTC 的⽣存威胁。


BTC 不是⽐特币

However BTC is not ‘Bit’ ‘Coin’ because it cannot store data on chain, or do computations on chain, or facilitate a free market for calculations in the block, or create a global microtransaction economy with a 100% legal immutable ledger on chain.

然⽽, BTC 不是⽐特币,因为它不能存储链上的数 据,不能进⾏链上的计算,不能促进⾃由市场 的区块计算,不能创造⼀个 100% 合法不变的 链上分类帐的全球微交易经济。


BSV 将超过 Ethereum

Bitcoin SV also destroys the viability of Ethereum since it’s massively parallel by design so computations do not need to run on every node sequentially, and because it incentivises faster and faster computations it will outrun Ethereum and make it obsolete.

BSV 也破坏了 Ethereum 的⽣存能⼒,因为它是按照设计⼤规模并⾏处理机运⾏的,所以计算不需要在每个节点上按顺序运⾏,⽽且因为它激励了越来越快的计算,它将超过 Ethereum,使其过时 @EatSleepCrypto @ eatsleepcrypto .



At scale, there’s no use for more than one secure blockchain network protocol because an ‘internet of money’ is a giant piece of global security infrastructure. It only works properly when there’s one architecture securing everyone’s businesses together in the same framework.



使 Ethereum 成为⼀个侧链

And ironically, since we can now do op_bignum cryptographic calculations inside transactions in script in BSV, we can make Ethereum a side-chain by paying for their Etherhash PoW to be performed and the results of the work submitted for audit on the SV chain. (Patented)

具有讽刺意味的是,既然我们现在可以在 BSV 脚本中进⾏ op bignum 加密计算,我们可以通过⽀付 Ethereum 的 Etherhash PoW 执⾏费⽤和提交供 SV 链审计的⼯作结果,使 Ethereum 成为⼀个侧链。(获得专利)



The aim of BSV’s openBSV licence and of nChain’s patent portfolio generally is to incentivise developers to develop applications on BitcoinSV freely but penalise then if they want to develop on other chains. This is an deliberate strategy to create a single global protocol.

Bsv 的 openBSV 许可证和 nChain 的 专利组合的⽬的通常是⿎励开发者在 BitcoinSV 上⾃由开发应⽤程序,但如果他们想在其他链上开发,就会受到惩罚。这是⼀个经过深思熟虑的创建单⼀全局协议的策略。



People may complain about ‘miner centralisation’ in BSV but if 50,000 banks globally each ran mining nodes in competition with one another the Bitcoin BSV network would be thousands of times more decentralised than any competing system is today, most notably BTC.

⼈们可能会抱怨 BSV 的“矿商集中化” ,但如果全球各地有 5 万家银⾏彼此竞争运营采矿节点,那么⽐特币 BSV ⽹络的权⼒分散程度将⽐⽬前任何竞争系统都要 ⾼出数千倍,相对于(中⼼化的) BTC 更是如此。

Rebirth of Bitcoin: Back to Genesis


比特币诞生至今,已经过了十个年头。在此期间,因比特币几年的扩容争议无果,比特币的 Ticker 经历了多次变更。Bitcoin SV(BSV),即原版的比特币,旨在恢复原始比特币协议,保持其协议稳定且允许其大规模扩容。BSV 将秉承维护中本聪在 2008 年白皮书《比特币:一个点对点电子现金系统》中所阐述的愿景。中本聪很早就确定了比特币经济激励和自由竞争的核心设计的本质,太多的人认为比特币协议不够完美而尝试在上面画蛇添足。尽管事实上,中本聪的设计一直都未能得以完全实现,而比特币还有着无限的潜力等待着人们发掘。虽然比特币之名的纷争还未尘埃落地,所幸的是,BSV 正在成为比特币应有的样子。我们在努力着,愿这条路上你也能一起前行。
