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《Beep币扑“Plan B”第五期:NFT距离爆发,还有多远?》

摘要:2019年被不少人称为DeFi元年,相比之下,曾经大热的NFT(Non-Fungible Token)和区块链游戏似乎已经褪去了明星光环。

Part 1:麦子钱包,Beep币扑特邀主持人陆遥远对话OpenSea创始工程师Joshua Wu


嘉宾:Joshua Wu, OpenSea创始成员

主持人:陆遥远,NFT 收藏家,麦子钱包产品经理


Plan B:Beep重磅打造的一档原生大V对话区块链大咖的线上AMA节目


导语:2019年被不少人称为DeFi元年,相比之下,曾经大热的NFT(Non-Fungible Token)和区块链游戏似乎已经褪去了明星光环。然而不久前Gods Unchained交易量激增,甚至超过CryptoKitties 2017年顶峰时期的交易量,还是或多或少给陷入低谷的“拓荒者”们带来了些许希望。NFT为什么还没有爆发?加密数字藏品是否有可能与DeFi结合?跨游戏资产复用的难点到底在哪里?1月10日下午4点,Beep币扑诚邀麦子钱包产品经理陆遥远和海带,分别对话OpenSea创始成员Joshua和SpiderStore CEO肖华,为大家带来一场思想碰撞盛宴




OpenSea 成立于 2018 年 1 月,目前全球最大的加密数字藏品市场 。涵盖最广泛的类别、最多的可转让数字藏品,以及最优惠的价格。OpenSea 通过一个充满热情的用户和开发者社区做到这一点。他们与游戏开发商合作,为用户创建可自定义的线上店铺,以自动购买、销售他们的加密藏品。


问题一:在加密数字藏品的交易活动中是怎么定位 Opensea 的,充当的角色更倾向于哪种?Opensea的竞争优势是什么?您认为 Opensea 目前有什么不足之处?


How do you position Opensea in the trading activities of encrypted digital collections, and which role do you prefer?What makes Opensea different from other NFT markets?Are there any shortcomings of Opensea that you think need to improve for now?








我们以用户为核心,并且通过Discord / Telegram每天都与我们的用户交流。多亏了他们,我们收到了许多有关如何改善我们的服务的反馈,例如简化拍卖系统和本地化。


我们有最大的数字资产收藏,并且我们为所有资产提供 English/Dutch竞拍。






OpenSea is the largest general marketplace for the world of digital assets with an open marketplace.


Our role is to give users whatever they need to view, buy/sell, auction, and discover items across the entire blockchain space.


We provide direct support to dapps and serve as the primary marketplace for many of them. One thing that many dapp creators get excited about OpenSea is the ability to collect transaction fees not just on the initial sale but also on secondary sales.


We’re user-focused and talk to our users every day through Discord/Telegram. Thanks to them, we’ve received lots of feedback on how to improve our service, such as simplifying the auction system, and localization.


We have the largest collection of digital assets, and we offer auction capabilities such as English or Dutch auctions for all assets.


We also have a storefront manager where you can create your own collection and mint new items without having to program any smart contracts. And allow you to embed your own marketplace directly in your own website.


Furthermore, we track every asset that is created on the blockchain so that it is instantly viewable with all metadata on creation.




Why would you choose to focus on NFT? What’s the meaning of NFT and how potential NFT may be in the future?




NFT(非同质化代币)是主要代表,但实际上我们也支持(semi-fungible tokens)半同质化代币。








Our focus is on the idea of digital goods. Naturally, NFTs represent them. (In fact we also support semi-fungible tokens.) The main value of NFTs is where they live—on the blockchain. As you already know, anyone can instantly trade NFTs anytime, anywhere in the world. There is no risk of fraud, and circulation can be completely controlled depending on the smart contract. And thanks to the economy agreeing to share this decentralized database, anyone can interact with existing NFTs.


For example, Decentraland is a virtual world where each piece of land is an NFT. Without a community building on top it, it would be meaningless. But thanks to decentralization, there are multiple companies building experiences and games inside Decentraland, making is one of the most compelling dapps.


I believe there is very strong potential for NFTs to replace how the world represents ownership. One day you may even be able buy and sell houses in the real world via NFTs.


问题2.1: 好的,我不能确定这一天能不能到来,目前链上与链下确权还是存在不少问题需要解决,这是我的观点


OK, I'm not sure whether this day will come or not. There are still many problems to be solved in determining rights on and off the chain. This is my point.






Blockchain is just a database architecture. It’s just a way of storing data. The value stems from the decentralized trust. When we talk about blockchain impacting society, it’s not directly related to the technology.


For example, traditional banking ledgers were very influential to the operation of markets. But it wasn’t because of the technology. That was just pencil and paper.


问题三:Opensea 获取盈利的方式除了交易手续费之外还有哪些?


In addition to the transaction fees, how does Opensea make money?




The transaction fees are our only source of revenue.


问题四:近期关于NFT有个大热点—两万张欧洲杯NFT门票将在以太坊上发行,这会出现在 Opensea 上发生转售吗?您觉得类似的应用或者哪些应用会极大推进NFT的发展?


Will 20,000 EuroCup NFT tickets issued on Ethereum appear on Opensea for resale? Do you believe this kind of use cases or what kind of use cases will be a killer for NFT adoption?








Of course! As soon as they exist, they will be immediately viewable on OpenSea. Everyone will be able to buy, sell, and auction their tickets, just like any other digital item on OpenSea. This isn’t the first time tickets have been tokenized—the NFT.NYC conference also sells tickets as NFTs.


This is a great example of NFTs replacing a traditional, inefficient market (buying and selling tickets. Every time a use case is discovered to convert an existing economy to the blockchain, NFTs get even more powerful.


Since I currently live in Tokyo, one thing I noticed and would love to see is tokenization of anime/manga IP. I think it would be hugely beneficial to the already lucrative IP merchandising market.


Being able to see all your NFTs in your wallet is definitely a big deal for the value of NFTs


问题四: 作为最大的加密数字藏品市场,最看好的前三 Dapp 是哪些,为什么?


Opensea, as the largest encrypted digital collection market, what are the top three Dapps in your mind and why?




1.虚拟房产。比如,Decentraland,Crypeovoxels和Ethereum Name Service。基本上,这些dapp依赖社区在其平台上进行构建。 CryptoVoxels允许任何人在虚拟世界中建造自己的房屋。 ENS为每个人提供了为任何事物赋予特别名称的方法。


2.游戏项目。例如Gods Unchained和MyCryptoHeroes,这两个在交易量上是很靠前的。


3. 艺术品。例如Pascal Boyart和Josie的艺术作品。借助NFT,可以证明每个艺术品的所有权。




基于区块链的话,你的所有权是可证明的,没人可以窃取。 当然,安全不仅只是基于技术。总有些人可以骗你,拿走你的资产。


It’s hard to pick three, so please let me discuss three general categories most dapps fall into.


1.Virtual real estate, e.g. Decentraland, Cryptovoxels, and Ethereum Name Service. Basically, these dapps depend on the community to build on top of their platform. CryptoVoxels let’s anyone build their own house in the virtual world. ENS gives everyone a way to give unique names to really anything.


2. Game items, e.g. Gods Unchained and MyCryptoHeroes, which are the top dapps in terms of trade volume.


3. Fine art, e.g. art by Pascal Boyart and Josie. Ownership of each art piece is provable thanks to NFTs.


For these dapps they are many speculators willing to pay large sums for a single rare NFT, simply because of the open market and excitement for the future.


问题五:如何看待目前以太坊 Dapp 的发展状态?造成该状态的原因会是什么呢?


How do you view the current development status of the Ethereum Dapp? What could be causing this situation?












The community still developing new use cases for dapps, and no one is sure where this new world will lead us. This is simply because most people don’t understand the point of the blockchain, let alone dapps. The main problem with adoption is the lack of crypto education and the separate need for wallets. We need to solve the user experience problem for new users.


For example you need to use a dapp browser like MetaMask or Trust wallet to do anything on a dapp. The user experience is very poor compared to traditional app experiences.


At all the dapps conferences I’ve attended, every speaker has mentioned this. I think solving this problem is going to be the biggest hurdle for mass adoption.


问题六:除了交易市场,如何看待加密数字藏品其他的配套设施,例如 钱包、数据分析网站等?


In addition to the trading market, how do you view other supporting facilities for encrypted digital collections, such as wallets and data analysis websites?


答:有些钱包支持收藏品,这对于NFT来说非常友好。 Etherscan对开发人员而言是极好的资源。还有其他一些很好的项目,例如Uniswap,可以为经济提供流动性。


Some wallets allow you to view your collectibles, which is great for NFTs. Etherscan is a superb resource for developers. And there are other great projects like Uniswap which provide liquidity to the economy.


问题七:Defi也是以太坊热门的讨论话题,您觉得 NFT 与 Defi 是否有结合的可能?


Defi is also a popular discussion topic on Ethereum. Do you think it is possible to combine NFT and Defi?

