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摘要:访问时长: 10月25日 20:00 22:30 微信社群: 499区块链小姐姐群 分享嘉宾: Omer Ozden 石木资本的董事长; DGroup的合伙人,其投资机构DFund是亚洲地区最专业和最活跃的基金之一; RockTree LEX平台的董事长; 世界区块链联盟(WBC)法律委员会的主席; 优

访问时长:10月25日 20:00 — 22:30 


分享嘉宾:Omer Ozden


石木资本的董事长;DGroup的合伙人,其投资机构DFund是亚洲地区最专业和最活跃的基金之一;RockTree LEX平台的董事长;世界区块链联盟(WBC)法律委员会的主席;优客工场联合创始人及海外业务合伙人;中国顶级天使投资基金真格的国际合伙人






Brink Asset CEO,Ruff体系BD负责人,Consensus Capital合伙人,CWV,DACC,SECC投资顾问








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 专 业  Part 


















Grace:Recently, STO has been verypopular. You think that compared with ICO, STO's biggest "sellingpoint" is compliance and can be regulated. Does this conflict with the"decentralization" of the core characteristics of the blockchain? In thecontext of the market split caused by law and regulation, what difficulties maybe faced by STO’s advance? Is large-scale flow realistically feasible? Is itpossible to become the mainstream model for financing in the blockchain sector?

If the STO market begins tospread, what kind of situation will be formed between blockchain investmentbanks and traditional investment banks? Does digital investment bank have hiscompetitive advantage?


Omer:There have been two major distruptiveinnovations in blockchain so far: Bitcoin, and Utility Token Offerings (ERC20). Next distrupter isanticipated to be Security Token (STO).  Actually, Security Token is the future of SecuritiesIndustry. Whether in 10 months, or 10 years, Securities will head to thatdirection. It will be very very BIG!!!Blockchain makes alot of advancements in Securities. Many selling points. Including InstantSettlement, 24/7 Trading, and Lower Costs.But big sellingpoint is it is REGULATED. So bigger investors and bigger money trust this more.I know many largeVenture Funds and Hedge Funds in New York and Hong Kong... they are waiting formore clear regulation to enter the crypto market.STOs will bringthis regulated environment. And a whole new wave of investors will move in. Anda whole new wave of entrepreneurs will take advantage of this next wave inBlockchain and Cryptocurrency.At LEX, we have worked on 100s ofSecurities Offerings.... and over 120 Public Security Offerings and UtilityToken Offerings in 18 countries. So this is a major area of our expertise.


Grace:In addition, you have also been in contactwith the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Do you know if STO can have aplace in China?


Omer:I have done Security Offerings forFacebook, Alibaba, Baidu, New Oriental, and many others. Now we do SecurityOfferings for Blockchain companies... that we will make into the futureFacebooks and Alibabas.















Grace:For which areas of projects doyou think are best for STO? Is it possible for projects which already did ICOto conduct STO again? Do you think it is worthwhile to have an already listedcompany doing STO, and is there a bigger incremental market? There are alreadymany projects on the STO path, but the public understanding of STO is limitedto securities-based tokens or safety tokens. Can you tell us about how theprojects are going through the STO preparation process? What is the gameplayfor investors, how to protect the investors, and how to exit?


Omer:LEX has a full infrastructure for STOsoverseas. Particularly to list the token in the United States, plus some othercountries in EU and Caribbean.LEX has a partnership with Sharespost -an exchange in the US. And also a partnership with Securitize, whichsecuritizes assets. And we work closely with tZero and now starting withPolymath too.  For deals we list in US,it's better the STO company has either (i) revenues, or (ii) some funding. Plusthe company has to be high growth.It IS possible forcompanies that did ICO to also do an STO. It is also possible for new STOcompanies to release a Security Token PLUS a Utility Token. We currently haveprojects like that.For ICOs, the first ones were in 2014and 2015.... some of the earliest ICOs became the biggest. For example, ETH....now it's worth $20 Billion and earlier this year, much higher. They did this byentering the market early and riding the trend.Another importantthing for STO is a strong management team with LONG term vision.














对于区块链行业上个月是一个非常重要的月份,GUSD和PAX解决了加密货币的三大问题:1、监管批准 2、托管 3、保险。它们获得了纽约政府的监管批准。




我预测,在未来2到4年内,合规将会是区块链项目成功的最大因素。就像GUSD,PAX, STO, 都需要法律的支持。如果你想玩大笔资金,投资者会要求法律遵从。


Grace:The price of USDT is droppedlow, this must be a trust problem. Because first stable coin USDT has plummeted,stable coin gets attention from the market. Other stable coin like GUSD, USDC, andPAX jump into the market fast. What do you think about stable coin? Can USDTkeep the position of stable coins? How to build trust for stable coin?


Omer:In the financial field, we call for adding something to the main safety as a sweetener. You can add a "sweetener" to a safe token, and you can also let the buyer of a safe token get a practical token at the same time, so you can make two types of tokens in one product. In addition, some programs program security tokens, such as if you have security tokens, and you get a discount on the company's products and services. It's like the security itself is safety plus practicality.


I have dealt with CSRC many times forvarious projects. It's still too early for STO to be done INSIDE China.Technically, there is a path to do it. But will take some time for it to besomething you can do domestically. Our projects go to US, Canada, Bermuda,Malta, etc...


Last month was a VERY VERY importantmonth for Blockchain. GUSD and PAX solved THREE major problems forcryptocurrencies.The Three Problems they solved: 1.Regulatory Approval, 2. Custody, 3. Insurance.Regulatory Approvalby New York government. Which is a major government for finance. Also, the fiatbacking these two stablecoins is kept in custody in a major bank. Plus there isinsurance on these deposits. These three things are very important for biginvetors to trust Blockchain and cryptocurrency.I predict thatregulatory compliance will be one of the BIGGEST factors for success for Blockchainprojects over the next 2 to 4 years. Just like GUSD, Just like PAX, Just likeSTO. They all involve Law. If you want to play in big money finance, theinvestors will demand legal compliance.




















Grace:We heard that you’re reallyexperienced in technology,real estate, consumer goods,and industrial projects. You are also the co-founder of Ucommune. All theindustries and projects that you have been involved in this past years. Do youthink traditional companies can entre blockchain area? which direction inblockchian you looking for? What is your investment strategy for the blockchainproject?


Omer:Yes, I co-founded Ucommune 3.5 years agoin Beijing. Now it's gotten pretty big.We have a lot ofBlockchain projects inside UCommune, especially in Shenzhen, Singapore and NewYork offices.We see Blockchain entering many industries we like. Allthe major technology sectors, including Health Care. Plus major asset classeslike Real Estate.That's oldhistory. No problem now.We will do IPO for UCommune over next 1to 2 years. This is same process as an STO. But STO doesn't need to be as bigas an IPO. It can be small too.


First, I always look for a strongmanagement team with a track record. This is the most important thing.Second, it dependsif it's utility token or security token.If Utility Token,then It's those projects that are close to USE CASE. Meaning, they are close tohaving a USE. Plus we look for Liquidity event (i.e. when will it starttrading).Security Token I also look for strong management team.plus I look for financing or revenues and high growth potential. It doesn'thave to be a blockchain project.I prefer UtilityToken for now. But Security Token will get bigger and bigger and be more andmore reliable. But it will take some time to get liquidity for Security Tokens.That's why I like Utility Tokens currently.But the early STOprojects we have coming will have some MASSIVE upside potential. Because theyare the earliest.Liquidity for the earliest ICO projectswere also small to start with. They came out in 2014 and 2015... but then by2016 they really started to grow. By 2017, they were bigger than even IPOs andmost major companies in valuation of tokens.


















Grace:After the bull market, thebear market starts 2018. This year in June has a short-term bull market. Whatdo you think about the market in November? Most people think is bullish. How tosurvival during the bear market? You said China will open the regulations forblockchian, do you know when?


Omer:If you try to buy ETH and Bitcoin in 2017...that's different than buying in 2014 and 2015. Different risk. Differentreward. We helped STO's early projects have the potential to grow because it was the earliest.I think we willhave a small bump over next several months.. but it will continue to remain aBear Market for a while longer.





 私 人 区 















Grace:We all know, you have many titles, such as attorney, foreign business partner, angel investor, etc. whichis one is your favorite? What made you choose this professional circuit? Is itin line with your value? What blows have you encountered on this circuit?


Omer:There were some developments...... Over the past 2 weeks in Hainan tech area, you can now access Facebook and Google.Plus we will seesome developments over time for Blockchain in China. Because China is a bigsupporter of Innovation. But it will take some time for us in China to see this. Huobi invested LEX, is our investment partner. Three months ago, I wentto Haikou with Li Lin to discuss the opening of digital currency. I came toChina in 1991, and started to work with Yu Minhong and Xu Xiaoping as anincubator in Zhongguancun in 1996. I like adventure. I rolled around in theInternet boom of the 1990s, and now I'm choosing block chains because I thinkhe's too much like the Internet age, but faster and more international. Of course,my favorite is Free Dude, I love freedom.



Actually, my favorite title is"Deal Maker". I love to make SUPERSTAR DEALS! Superstar Projects.This requires my title as Attorney. And my title as Investor. And my title asForeign Business Partner.

I LOVE helping projects become BIGGERAND BIGGER.Actually, "Attorney" is a good title because inthe US, many of the Presidents like Lincoln, Nixon, Obama and Clinton (both ofthem) are Attorneys (lawyers). Also, many CEO's of US companies are Attorneys.We know how to usethe legal system to our advantage and the advantage for our clients.






中国人骨子里都是很好学的early adopter













当年我在北京创业,和现在的信念是一样的,虽然中国可能需要一些时间,但是就长线来说,在未来我相信中国政府和聪明的中国人,一定不会让这个机会溜走,因为中国人和我们犹太人一样,骨子里都是很好学的早期参与者(early adopter)。所以我相信区块链会在中国蓬勃发展。


Grace:You first arrived in Beijingin 1996, introduced by Yu Minhong and Xu Xiaoping, and became an internationallawyer for New Oriental Education group in Zhongguancun. What is your firstimpression on Beijing? Returning to Beijing in 2017 as a lawyer and partner inZhenFund, what was the biggest change in Beijing? Which one is your favorite city and why?


Omer:Those days in the 1990s with Xu Xiaopingand Yu Minhong were incredible!I was in Chinabefore some of you were born! Beijing is my favorite city in China...because so many old friends here. True Brothers!


Grace: Do you think China has great potential to develop in blockchain? What are the current resistance issues that must be addressed? What's your friends’ attitude to blockchain?


Omer:Yes, definitely China has great potential. It already is a leader for some areas of blockchain.China is a nationof EARLY ADOPTERS.... meaning, Chinese love new technologies.Already, we pay by Wechat and Alipay, not by cash. So in China, we already are doing things in away for the future of blockchain - where transactions will be digital insteadof paper.I think one thing that is important is to realize howimportant token is to Blockchain. Token can be used in a bad way. Yet token isalso used in a very good way. It is a key piece of blockchain.Having No Tokens inBlockchain, is like having No Internet Sites for Internet. The main motivatorfor use of the internet is not the internet technology or protocol. It's thewebsites delivering information to people. This is why people USE theinternet.... it's the main motivator. For informtation and communication. Justlike Tokens are a main motivator for people to use Blockchain technology.People need to havean application they want to use for technology to grow and be popular. Tokens are one of the key pieces of blockchain because of this.


In the long run, I believe that theChinese government and smart Chinese people will not let this opportunity go,because Chinese people, like our Jews, are inherently eager to learn earlyadopters. So I believe the block chain will flourish in China.










Grace:There is a Chinese old sayingto describe couple’s relationship “The couple united and enjoy each other’scompany from the beginning, but normally flew away separately when the disasterhappens.” Do you disagree and why? What role do you think your wife has beenplaying in your life? Chinese normally recommend “adjusting to local custom”,have you ever encountered any very special Chinese local custom? What’s yourrelationship like with your father and mother in-laws?  

Do you think that blockchainwill make marriage completely unnecessary?


Omer:I am already a Chinese. I am your big brother in China. The brothers of Sky and Dfund call me old driver.I believe in LOVE. No matter good time.Or bad time.









Grace:由哈佛大学教授塔尔班夏哈(TalBen-Shahar)所攥写的《更快乐》(Happier :Learn theSecrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment)中,以「正向心理学」说明了拼命三郎型的人们把达成目标当成衡量成就的标准,而不重视追求目标的过程,以致于他们无法享受所做的事情,老以为达到某个目标就能得到快乐。你觉得自己是一个拼命三郎吗?你怎么看待幸福的定义?最向往的生活是怎么样的呢?




Grace:In the book Happier:Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment, Harvard University Professor Tal Ben-Shahar, explained with positive psychology that workaholics think achieving their goals is the standard to define success, as a result,they cannot enjoy the things they are doing, and they thought just by achieving the goal can make them happy. Are you a workaholic? How do you define happiness? What ‘s your dream life like?


Omer:Yes I am a workaholic.But I also believein experiencing new things.I am absolutely desperate, I work hard, and I desperately Party. Because in any case, we have only this limited and precious life.













Grace:What’s the first impression you get from 499 girls? What’s the difference between last time you came here and this time? Do you think the 499 girls have made any progress? What’s your definition of a perfect community? Do you have any advice for the 499 girls to make more progress and improvement?


Omer:I really see the BIG IMPROVEMENT with 499 Girls. Questions even better than last time. This is an excellent group. Ithink I am the first guest to do TWO 499 Interviews. So it is my honor to servethe 499 Girls Group!





